
Saturday, November 26, 2011

We do, you review!

I'm pretty sure if you are reading this you have your own account and probably have it open in another browser window as we speak! If your breathing your pinning, right?! So for all you who love Pinning, Liking, and Dreaming of those perfect meals, crafts for our kids, and DIY must haves we are going to put them to the test. I got the idea for Didterest while browsing through the pins and seeing not only Awesome ideas that I would love to try but also some that were just not up to par. So with Didterest we will show you the Do's and the Don'ts of Pinterest favorites after we give them a go! Think of Didterest as the honest reviews of Pinterest! Be sure to check back for our first Do or Don't and if you've already tired some out and want to share your review be sure to post those too!!!

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