
Monday, December 19, 2011

Doggy Do or Doggy Don't

We've been looking for a "Definitely Don't" to add to our reviews. A friend of mine, Rachel, came across a possible one for homemade dog treats. She loves her adorable little pooch, Tucker, and said that the homemade treats were really easy to make and at first she thought it was a "Definitely Do" but a day after making them they looked molded. I wanted to look further into this...

(This is Tucker, who wouldn't want to give this adorable face the yummiest homemade treats!)

So I decided to go to my trusty sister- in- law, Leah, who owns Lucky Mutt Pantry, an all-natural and all organic dog treat company. I asked her to give these treats a try and see what she thought. After making them and testing them on her beloved pups she got back to me with the review and here it is:

"I added about 1/3 cup more flour (the dough was sticky and needed more flour to be able to roll the dough out), I rolled the dough out thinner (thinner treats tend to last longer than thicker treats), I also baked them longer because they were still moist (I baked them for about 30 minutes and left them in a turned off oven for an extra 5 minutes). I flipped the treats over to each side for 15 minutes so that the treats could cook on both sides.

After the treats were done, I stuck them in the freezer for about 15 minutes then took them out.

Freezing the treats will help a lot with their shelf life. You can store one batch in the refrigerator and one batch in the freezer or store them in a cookie jar.

Anyways, they were really fun and easy to make and the dogs loved them too." 

(Here are the new and improved Snickerpoodles from Lucky Mutt Pantry)

In the end this once "Definitely Don't" was turned into a DO with just a few changes. If you have a little critter at home and want to give these a try, they will not disappoint. Just ask Speckles!

 (Speckles, one of her many trusted treat tasters for Lucky Mutt Pantry)

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