
Friday, December 30, 2011

Rummy Bears

The other night Jonah and I decided to make/ experiment with something I saw on Pinterest (yes, after the kids went to bed). Of course by the title you guessed it, we made yummy, gummy, rummy bears. Well first we started with gummy bears soaked in cherry vodka.

We let them soak over night because from what we had heard on Pinterest, the gummy bears would double in size. The next day we gave them a try and they were definitely yummy, however, they were still the same size which was disappointing. I was really looking forward to eating a ginormous vodka gummy bear (that would have made my morning).

Jonah got creative and soaked his gummy bears in Crown Royal which again were yummy but still the same size after 2 full days of soaking.

No worries though, if you are thinking of giving these a try, "Definitely Do" but here is a tip...

Using good ole jello shots but incorporating these rummy bears you can make rum or vodka jello bites.
Make finger jello with your choice of vodka or rum, drop in your gummy bears (soaked or not), let it harden, then cut it up into bite size squares for your guests or just for you.

If you have tried these before did your bears double in size?

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