
Friday, December 16, 2011

'Tis the Season to Be the Change

Daily chest pain, empty check book, twitching neck... If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you have come down with “Christmas Break Down Syndrome."

For real though, when did we get so far off track that it became more about buying the biggest and best that we neglected to think about the small and important? Health, family, roof over our heads, clothes on our back, being a good person, instilling good morals in our children, aren't these what matter?

Classic Scenario, your child is in a diaper, crawling around the floor, only wanting to play with all the Christmas balls on the tree but somehow we feel guilty inside if we don't buy them all the gifts on the Top 100 list of the year. Christmas comes and we are unwrapping THEIR presents while THEY play in the card board boxes. Do you realize looking back that it was gratification for you and not your child? And it lasts for what... maybe a day, then it's gone and we are left with late credit card payments and tons of toys that are in the toy chest collecting dust.

Let's vow to make it different this year, creating something so wonderfully contagious that it doesn't stop at Christmas but continues all year long.

I started thinking, feeling guilty (same difference), after reading this article Anonymous Donors Pay Off Kmart Layaway Accounts.  I realized, after reading the article, not only did I have tears streaming down my face but I thought about the feeling that I get when I do something nice for someone else: the butterflies, feeling happy, and for a moment, feeling complete. It's very similar to the feeling I get when I go shopping for myself and buy something new but 10x BETTER! We all do it, for me it's at least once a month that I get restless and need to go buy something new. It's a high! So why not get that high by doing something wonderful and memorable for a stranger. We can do something nice for ourselves anytime we want, we may not have tons of money flowing in the door but here are a few economical ways to touch someone else's life this Christmas season and give them a memory that will last a life time. 

1. Hospital Care Packages

I thought of this idea because when my son was born two months early we were in the hospital with him day in and day out for nearly two weeks. I would have given anything to brush my teeth and hair at least once. The Dollar Tree being one of my favorite stores has tons of items you could pick up to put in a care package such as brushes (for teeth and hair), nail files, shampoo, conditioner, a book to read, a journal, and so many other options. Create a few packages and take them to the hospital to deliver to families that will be sitting in a hospital room for the holidays. You may only make 5 packages but that is 5 people you will create a lasting memory for.

2. Supermarket Hero

If you see someone in line at the grocery store counting out their pennies and nickel’s, barely able to purchase their food step up and be the hero for that moment. Offer to purchase their items. It's so common that we see someone just purchasing milk, eggs, and bread with change, so what is an extra $10.00 or less out of your pocket? You won't miss that money but you will cherish that moment forever.

3. Military Love

It's true that the whole family serves when you have a loved one in the military. Think about all those who will not have their father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife (and the list goes on) with them for Christmas. If you know someone who is in this position offer to have them over to your home for the holidays or chip in with your community to have their Christmas dinner catered in their home. They may not be able to share it with their family but doing something so small will let them know they are not alone and have family all around them.

4. Give a Pickel 

Pickel Clothing Inc. is an amazing and loving company straight from my home town in Palm Coast, FL. They create beautiful handmade jars filled with adorable baby items for a new mommy- to- be.  For every jar that you purchase they give one to a single mother in need.  If you know someone in your life who is expecting, this is a perfect baby shower gift that keeps on giving. You don't even have to leave your home to make a difference. Just visit their site and purchase online.

5. Give, Give, Give

It is so easy to give and so many ways to do so. 

- Participate in a coat drive
- Buy food for a free food market
- Instead of selling your clothes online give them away to someone in need. 
- And most important get your kids in on the giving too! Have them pick out a toy or two from their rooms that they would like to give away to another little boy or girl in need.

"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who could not ever repay you."       - John Wooden

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