
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dance and Movement Activity Sheet

I recently started a mommy group with my dance company and at our first meeting I handed out a 5 week curriculum for some dance and movement activities to do with your toddler or preschooler. If you saw the activity I posted a few days ago using the shapes and colors, that activity is part of the curriculum I'm going to share with you today.

When your home with the kids on a rainy day or sometimes just a lazy day where you don't really want to get out of your pj's, I know I've found myself wandering around trying to figure out what to do with the kids. That is where I came up with this 5 week activity. I've posted the activity sheet and rewards board for you to print out and enjoy.  This activity is a "Definitely Do" for every mama out there. You and the kids will enjoy these activities and they are all ones you can continue to practice every day.

Once you have both sheets printed out you'll see there is a lesson, activity, and goals for each week. Once you completed each lesson sit down with your child and on the rewards board write down three things that you have learned and reward them with a sticker on their board. The activities are not limited to movement and dance but also create time for you and your kiddo to have arts and crafts time by putting together these activities.

My Tip: Another idea is to do the activity on a Monday and then for the rewards board if you see your child doing something throughout the week that pertains to the activity such as team work from week 1 give them a sticker to put on their board. At the end of the week they get to see how many stickers they earned for that week!

Hope you mamas out there find this fun and gives you inspiration.

"Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart"

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