
Friday, December 9, 2011

Fabulous Honey Face Mask

Usually you see someone who is talking about acne remedies start their post by saying "I've battled acne for years" instead, in my case it only started about 3 years ago after I had my first born. Growing up I had a pretty much hate relationship with my freckle face until I was in high school and realized they were a blessing because I hardly ever had a single pimple pop up.

After I had my son I noticed I would get acne on my chin and forehead out of nowhere and not just one pimple rather a whole family of them! So this last time it happened I decided to do something about it.

I found a recipe for a homemade honey acne mask at Spa Playground , gave it a try and here is my review.

During the making of the mask all I could think about was raw egg on my face(as you'll see below is one of the ingredients). I had a hard time getting past that but once I had it made it smells like honey and NOT egg so I moved forward with the next step. I put the mask on my entire face and not just where the acne was, all over. It is definitely a sticky mask so I recommend applying it over the sink just in case it drips. Once it was on my face I started the waiting process. It didn't feel like a normal mask where it gets tighter the longer it sits I just noticed it got stickier! 

At one point while I was in the kitchen, the kids came up to me and looked totally confused, like get away from me with that mess of a face mommy! I looked in the mirror and noticed it had a wet/shimmery look to it.  I immediately thought of Edward Cullen and for all of you who are non-Twilight fans and are completely confused on who that is let me remind you...

YEA! I was shimmering like a vampire! 

You'll totally see what I mean when you try this! If I ever have a date with a vampire I'll skip the make up and go for the mask. 

So all in all the mask was a success. My skin felt super soft after I took it off, it smelled like honey and today my pimples are almost completely gone. The mask is made with things we all have in our refrigerator with the exception of Vitamin E, some may need to purchase it but for next to nothing you can make a mask that kicks acne to the curb. If you can handle the raw egg part this is a "Definitely Do" however, if not it will for sure be a  "Definitely Don't". Below is a list of the ingredients, the benefits of each of them for our skin and acne, and also step by step application. 

- 1 egg (whites for normal to oily skin and yolk for normal to dry skin)
We all know eggs are great for us on the inside but when used on the skin they provide a source of Vitamin A which is necessary for healthy skin

- 2 tablespoons of honey (unprocessed works best)
Honey is anti- bacterial and will fight off the bacteria that causes acne

- 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an anti -oxidant and is used in fighting off free radical damage

- Splash of milk
Milk and honey are commonly used together in creating skin care products, however in the reading that I have done I found that milk is a common acne trigger , therefore deciding to make my mask without the milk.

Step 1: Mix the ingredients - Once you mix all the ingredients together you want the texture to be similar to the consistency of cake batter for easy application to the face. 

Step 2: Apply to Face - With this mask you can apply it to your entire face and not just where the acne appears

Step 3: Wait and Rinse - Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water (make sure not to leave on overnight due to the raw egg in the mask)

PLEASE NOTE: If you are allergic to any of these ingredients you should not use this mask


  1. Ohh going to try this...I have never had an acne problem either until now (25) might be from the vitamins I am taking or maybe being super stressed.

  2. You will love it! I've used it a few times now and the pimple chin is gone! :-)
