
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Learning is spelled F-U-N!

I recently found this adorable and inspiring Blog, Homemade by Jill, which gave me the perfect printable alphabet flashcards for my tots. I didn't originally set out to find DIY flashcards, however after a visit to the pediatrician with Audrey I got to thinking about finding and making fun learning activities for my kiddos. Here's the why?

We went for a routine well check up and during the visit I was asked multiple questions pertaining to her development such as...

"Does she have a vocabulary of more than 50 words?"... Yes

"Does she point to something and say what she wants?"... Yes

"Does she use 3 or more word sentences?".... Ummm... (and I had to really think because I really couldn't recall) so...

There is was, the dreaded NO answer. I don't know a single parent who wants to answer NO to a developmental question about their child. It makes us feel that we are doing something wrong as a parent if our child isn't right up to par with all the "milestones" that we see plastered in books, on the web, and in the doctor’s office. We know she's a smart little cookie, she knows where her elbow and eyebrows are for crying out loud and she sings along to Adele in the car! Need I say more?!

So getting back to the story, the pediatrician then proceeded to ask" Do you want me to handle this or do you want me to find a speech therapist for her?" And my response was merely a look of confusion and thinking what do you mean "handle this?"  Like really, she just turned 2 and we already need a speech therapist because she doesn't properly say "Mommy, may I have the cookie that is on the counter?" Instead she walks up to the counter, points and says "Mama, Cookie, Please."

I see the concern but just thought jumping right into speech therapy was a bit extreme. I get it, I really do. When she starts school she will need to be able to use her words and sentences that everyone can understand and not just the jibber jabber language that only mommy and daddy know.

 Here's our solution...My mother in law gave me a great idea to have a word of the day. Each morning we pick one of our alphabet flash cards, pick a word that starts with that letter, hang it on the refrigerator, practice saying it and then we use it throughout the day in sentences. It's fun for all of us! They look forward to their new word every morning and it's a great way to encourage learning! It's amazing that taking something as simple as a printable flashcard and turning it into a teachable moment every day can make you feel like Super Mom. Espeically, when you see their little faces light up from yelling "Yayyyyyy!" every time we say a sentence. Remeber moms, these teachable moments for them are even more invaluable to us as parents.

These fun flashcards are a "Definitely Do"!

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