
Friday, December 2, 2011

To Scarf or Not To Scarf?

I love scarves and also seeing all the DIY ideas on blogs that others have shared on making them.  I recently saw this t-shirt scarf pinned by a few fellow pinterest fans and thought it would be fun to give it a go.
What really caught my eye was that it took under one hour to make and with two children it would be the perfect craft to do during their nap time. So once I laid them down for a  nap I got started. I grabbed 3 old t-shirts: one black, one white and one brown with a design. I followed the instructions from the following link:
Mine looks a little messier than the one on the link because I wanted it to have  more of a fringe style, kinda rough it up a bit. I think this is a very cute idea and for the cost of just a few old t-shirts that you've had laying around for awhile and only about an hour out of your day you can have something hip and individualized! This is a "Definitely Do" for all your scarf and craft lovers! 

Be sure to post a comment if you've tried this! We want to see your DIY scarves too!

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