
Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Definitely Do" Top Three DIY Picks: Gifts From the Kids

Each week I will give you my "Definitely Do" Top Three DIY picks of the previous week that I have found on other Blogs and Pinterest.  They will be posted in different categories such a gift ideas for everyone on your list, birthday party, wedding, fashion and other fabulous DIY favs. 

These gift ideas are ones take minimal time, cost next to nothing, are great for making with your children, and will be loved by everyone!

1. Cookies For Santa

The first one I found and love is from Make it Do and the DIY gift is Cookies For Santa. Using a mason jar, ribbon, fabric, and your favorite cookie ingredients you can create the perfect night before Christmas tradition for any family. And if you’re feeling really creative give them a copy of  'Twas the Night Before Christmas to read as they bake their cookies. You can copy and paste it right from the North Pole onto Word, change the font to whatever you'd like, print it and then paste it to a Christmas scrap book page.

And just FYI the Make it Do Blog also has the cute ingredient labels to stick on your mason jar!

2. Custom Notepads

I give this DIY gift an A++! What better way for kids to celebrate their teachers than to make a custom notepad for them! Chica and Jo give you step by step instruction into creating this one of a kind and from the heart notepad. Give your kids the wheel and let them pick out the scrapbook pages to use and if you want to switch it up a bit buy sticker sheets to put in the notebook too.  I would also let them decorate a cover for it with stencils, ribbon, stickers, or whatever their little hearts desired. And I'm a huge fan of  monograms so you could even stencil their teachers initials on the front to give it that extra personalization!

3. Homemade Playdough

 LoVe,lOvE,LoVe and more LOVE! Playdough is bought on a weekly basis in my home and usually found under furniture on a daily basis :-) However, with this recipe I'll never buy it again! How Does She? has given stocking stuffers a new look with this playdough makeover! Not only will you get the recipe to make your own but you can also find a link to print the adorable labels for your homemade playdough too. Get the kids in on the action, letting them help in the kitchen and while you’re making it think of fun names for your playdough! When you’re all finished gift it, mold it, and squish it or all of the above!

I hope that one or all of these have inspired you this Christmas season to be creative with your gift giving! So get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart! <3

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