
Monday, January 2, 2012

Reception Kids' Table

The vows are said, your newlyweds now, and as you head into the reception to be seated, there they are --  tons of children running around aimlessly. Yes, you love them but when it comes to inviting the kids there is always a question as to whether you should or not.

A close friend of mine had a brilliant idea to entertain the children at her wedding and I appreciate her sharing the above photo with us and also the two below. She not only had a kids' table topped with a lollipop centerpiece but also crayons, coloring paper and fun things for them to enjoy.

And the best part, she had an entire table of (drum roll please) CANDY. I mean look at that table, it's like kid heaven, something out of a Willy Wonka movie. What a great and fun way to make the kids feel super special and part of your big day. 

Her idea had me inspired and I went looking for other ideas that you could use during your reception for the children attending. Here is what I found:

Weddingbee has a brilliant idea to have little individual lunch boxes packed for each child and have it labeled with their names. I think this would even be a great idea with a craft box for each child, something they can take home after the reception.

Martha Stewart gives you a fun and interactive kids' table idea that will keep them entertained with a photographic scavenger hunt. With a disposable camera, pencil and I Spy Card (which you can download and print right off the site) the kids will remember your special day for a long time.

And if you remember one of our top three picks for birthday ideas a few weeks ago you'll love the kids table set up to decorate marshmallow or cake pops. Have the pops pre-made but not decorated in the center of the table with all the delicious toppings spread out around the table in little bowls. You can find a wonderful recipe for cake pops at Bakerella and if your thinking of going for the marshmallow pops check out CouponClippingCook.

I hope all of these "Definitely Do" DIY favorites have given you some great ideas for your wedding or even a dinner party at your home. They are ideas that will inspire others and also ones that will still leave you with money to put in your piggy bank. Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart. <3

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