
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sexy Grilled Cheese

Everyone loves grilled cheese but it's not just about the buttered bread and slice of cheese anymore. Oh no. It's about bringing sexy back and changing the look of the classic grilled cheese sandwich. 


I found the grilled cheese rolls on Care's Kitchen and fell in love with the idea especially because they are crust-less and those of you with kids will appreciate that because especially with my kids, they do not like the crust. Making them was super easy and I mean super easy. After they were finished I cut them in half and served them with a cup of tomato soup for the kids to munch on. And I helped. A little.

These are a "Definitely Do" taking only 10 minutes to make and putting a huge smile on the kid's faces, they will not disappoint.

And if your looking for even more ways to spice up the grilled cheese in your life here are some more ideas:

- Avacado, bacon, and swiss on rye
- Tomato and bacon with american on toasted wheat
- Pickles, swiss and american on ciabatta

How do you make your grilled cheese?

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