
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reupholstered Chairs

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A little over 4 years ago,when we first moved into our home, we had the most beautiful white chairs for our high set kitchen table. Over time (a.k.a. after children) they turned into finger painted master pieces, which you will soon see during the reupholstering process. My mama recently came for a visit and we decided to do something about the truly characteristic yet slightly embarrassing chairs.

Before I get to the "how-to" lets take a look at the before picture (no judging please)

As you can see my little Picasso's had a few good practice painting sessions on these chairs. I could not wait to get started on a new and hip look.

First we headed to the store to look at fabric samples. I found a blue and white nautical pinstripe but quickly had a change of heart once I found this style that you see above. If you know me I am such a plain Jane and usually go with blacks, tans, and grays ...boring (my personality is bright enough I don't need a ton of exterior color -- or at least that is how I look at it). Either way, I love the green and black fabric with large print floral and paisley design. We purchased this fabric for $12.50 for 1 3/4 inches of fabric at Wal Mart, which turned out in the end to be enough for all four chairs and then some.

When we got home we removed the seat cushions with a screw driver. This task was very easy, just make sure to keep all your screws in a baggy so you don't lose them. We actually did only one chair at a time to keep it simple and found that our quota for each day was about 1 chair. It would have taken less time(about 1 - 2 hours total) without the help of toddlers and lunch breaks so we split it up over a few days.

After the cushion was off we cut the fabric leaving about 3 - 4 inches (enough to tuck the ends when turning onto the back) on all sides. Then we used a heavy duty stapler to attach the fabric. You will want to attach the front first, back second and then do each of the sides. The important part is to make sure you have it tight enough and that the corners don't bulge. I would compare this to wrapping Christmas presents just without ribbons and bows.

Once the seats were complete we screwed them back on. You don't have to worry about where the screw holes were on the seat because once you line it up on the chair the screws will go right through and take very little time to get back to one piece. 

This is a "Definitely Do" for anyone who has little ones and find yourself in a similar situation or if you are just looking for a different look/style in your dining area. For the cost of a little gas to get to the store, a stapler, and fabric you can completely change the look of your kitchen table. I'm in love every time I walk into my living room, the chairs are the first thing you spot, they look gorgeous and have such a fun and hip style. And of course, instead of being embarrassed by my painted cushions I can brag about my DIY styled redo and cannot wait to entertain! Just don't spill anything on my new seats...or else...

"Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart"

1 comment:

  1. Such an easy transformation! I did this to my parents dining room chairs a few years ago. Can't wait to reupholster some items around the house! Now all I need is a staple gun!
