
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wreath O' Yarn -- Guest Blogger Review

Each month we will have a guest blogger join us to write about a "Definitely Do" or "Definitely Don't" that they have made and reviewed from and another DIY Blogs. This month a good friend of mine, Rachel, is going to share with us her review on a pin she found on Pinterest.

So two things you should know about me 1. I have always LOVED making crafts, 2. I kind of stink at them. So if I can do it, ANYONE can do it!!!!! I saw this wreath and it looked doable…and it TOTALLY WAS and it looks fabulous! I haven’t quite finished with the garnish so for now it’s just got a pretty bow! The biggest mistake I made was my color choice. I wasn’t really sure how this was going to look, so I just picked a yarn that was on sale. I have a dark blue door and I bought dark purple yarn…so it’s a little difficult to see. Otherwise I love it and I’m very happy with the way it turned out! Plus it was super cheap!! The wreath itself was about $2.99 and I think the yarn was $1.00. This is a "DEFINITELY DO"!!!!


Take Heart has the step by step instruction for you to  make your own fabulous yarn wreath too.

"Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart"

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