
Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Definitely Do" Top Three DIY Picks: Valentine's Day Favorites

1. For kids from kids

Heart shaped crayons made from chopped up crayons then baked in the oven for 15 minutes, brilliant! Not only is this easy, affordable, and super cute but these little crayon hearts definitely beat the store bought cards hands down. We are making these for the kiddos at church and know they will all love and enjoy them.

My Tip: Once you have the crayons all chopped up let your kids put them in the heart shaped baking dish. It gives them independence to help create this fun idea for their friends.

2. Mails here

When I saw this idea, by the home teacher, I knew I would be making these little mail boxes, no doubt. What a fun way to leave little notes for the ones you love. A fun and personal idea for Valentine's Day at home.

My Tip: Use these even after Valentine's Day is over. Leave daily notes for the ones you love, especially the kiddos. Each morning they will love looking in their mail box to see what awaits for them.

3. Fortune Cookie Love

This idea is a little sentimental for me because my husband and I actually met opening a new Asian restaurant concept and we always opened fortune cookies together. He even sent me a HUGE chocolate covered cookie to Florida when I was still living there. I'm actually making these for him, putting them in a jar and am really excited to see how much he loves the thought behind them. Easy to make and the idea behind it goes back to when we first met. You can find the "how - to" steps at Wonder Forest.

My Tip: Whether you are making them for him or her make it a venture and tell them to only open one a day for the rest of the month. It will be the perfect beginning or ending to their day this coming month.

"Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart"

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Simple Beautiful Life

I'm going to do things a little differently this Saturday morning. Instead of the usual "Definitely Don't" list I was thinking something with a little more substance to start my weekend. While looking through all the photos on our computer yesterday I was especially loving the ones of the kids from the past year. With the first month of the new year coming to an end soon I'd like to share some of my favorite photos of the kids from 2011. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

For the Birds

Today is so beautiful outside with just a bit of chill to it. It's the perfect day to be outside with the kids. While we were in the backyard playing we noticed our birdies were looking for food and that their feeders were empty so I decided to turn feeding our friends into a mom and toddler bonding/craft time.

We gathered our left over bread that was going to be thrown away today, some peanut butter, our bird seed, forks (for spreading), and plates to make our masterpieces. I rolled out our picnic blanket on the deck, gave the kiddos each their own little work area with cups of bird seed and let them make a snack for our wildlife friends.  

When they were finished we took their peanut butter seed sandwiches down to the bird feeders and placed them on a rock. Our kitchen window looks down onto the feeders and I'm excited to see if they enjoy our snack. 

This was the perfect idea for a perfect afternoon outside. A "Definitely Do" for the little bird lovers in your life.

My Tip: You can also use an empty paper towel holder, toilet paper roll, or pine cones to create a bird seed snack (all items you can find in, around, and outside your home).

" Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart"

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dance and Movement Activity Sheet

I recently started a mommy group with my dance company and at our first meeting I handed out a 5 week curriculum for some dance and movement activities to do with your toddler or preschooler. If you saw the activity I posted a few days ago using the shapes and colors, that activity is part of the curriculum I'm going to share with you today.

When your home with the kids on a rainy day or sometimes just a lazy day where you don't really want to get out of your pj's, I know I've found myself wandering around trying to figure out what to do with the kids. That is where I came up with this 5 week activity. I've posted the activity sheet and rewards board for you to print out and enjoy.  This activity is a "Definitely Do" for every mama out there. You and the kids will enjoy these activities and they are all ones you can continue to practice every day.

Once you have both sheets printed out you'll see there is a lesson, activity, and goals for each week. Once you completed each lesson sit down with your child and on the rewards board write down three things that you have learned and reward them with a sticker on their board. The activities are not limited to movement and dance but also create time for you and your kiddo to have arts and crafts time by putting together these activities.

My Tip: Another idea is to do the activity on a Monday and then for the rewards board if you see your child doing something throughout the week that pertains to the activity such as team work from week 1 give them a sticker to put on their board. At the end of the week they get to see how many stickers they earned for that week!

Hope you mamas out there find this fun and gives you inspiration.

"Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart"

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Definitely Do" Top Three DIY Picks: Mommy Must Have Printables

Before Pinterest I was never aware of all the awesome printables that are not only offered to us for FREE (because these bloggers are the coolest) but also ones that are so darn helpful for our every day lifestyle. I've picked my top three picks and hope you like them too.

1. Toy Bin Tags

Lily Jane has some of the cutest printables,  this being one of them. These toy bin tags are perfect for keeping up with organization and also helping your child recognize the tag by picture and word to help them know where the toys go after play time. Toys have a home too.

My Tip: I recommend laminating these so they don't get colored on or ruined easily. Little hands get curious!

2. Grocery and Dinner Planner

What mother and wife would turn this down? Exactly! Here is an awesome printable from $5 Dinners. Not only can you get your grocery list jotted down but you can keep track of your meal plan for the week along with estimated and actual spending.

My Tip: After each week hole punch your meal plan and keep them all in a folder. You can go back for ideas from past weeks and know the dinner do's and don'ts.

3. Mason Jar Labels

The Pretty Blog has some of the prettiest and classiest food jar labels that I have seen. Whether you are gifting them or using them at home they will not disappoint.

 My Tip: I love ribbons and bows so if you are gifting your jars I would add a decorative ribbon around the lip of the jar that matches your label.

I hope for you foodies, organizers, and printable feens this has caught your eye for the day and given you something awesome to print out and enjoy.

"Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart"

Do you have any fun printable favorites?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

"Definitely Don't" Top Three Don't Even Think About Its

It has come to that time of the week again, the time where I can vent my frustrations and you all get to view it. With no further ado, here we go.

1. Soft Balls or  Shoe Soles

I'm going to be honest when I say this... when I first saw this pin, I mean very first glance, I thought it was soles to a pair of shoes. Of course the picture was a smaller size than shown here, I was just really so confused.  Thank goodness for captions and zoom. Maybe it's because I was never a sports buff, yes I've seen a baseball before but never like this. I'm not really even sure what it's supposed to represent, maybe someone reading this does and can explain. But for now, it's a don't.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Shapes and Colors Game

 My kids love playing learning games that are interactive and get them up and moving. Outside of being a wife, mommy, and blogger I also own a mobile dance company where I teach little tots, just like my own babes, dance and movement. We do fun, interactive, and educational lessons with music, dance, and movement. I came up with this idea a few days ago and thought I would share the love.

I purchased everything for this project at the Dollar Tree, here is what you will need:

- 2 poster boards (2 for $1)
- construction paper book ($1)
- large note cards ($1)
- glue stick (I had one laying around but you can find one for around $.49)
- scissors

Here is the "how-to"

Your going to cut your poster boards into 4 equal squares so that when you are finished you have 8 squares total using both poster boards. Then take your construction paper and pick out 8 different colors. On each piece of paper draw a different shape (you'll want to draw one large and one small sketch of each shape). Cut out your shapes. Glue the large shape to the poster board and the small shape to the blank side of the note card. On the side of the note card where the lines are write different questions about each shape and color, make sure they are questions that your child will know the answers too.

Start Playing!

The idea of the game is to lay the large poster board shapes on the ground in different places in the room or even around the house in different rooms. When mom holds up a note card with a shape and color have the kids tell you the shape and color then have them find the matching one in the house or room. Once they find it ask them some of the questions from the back of the note card. When your done with that shape and it's color move onto the next card. When they are all finished reward them with a sticker or home made reward ribbon. This game is a "Definitely Do" and is fun for everyone in the family. It combines matching, colors, shapes and if you put the colors in different rooms in the house it even has a little hide-and-seek feel to it. The kids will love searching for the matching shapes.

My Tip: If you don't want to draw your own shapes the Dollar Tree also has pre-cut shapes and you can even practice the alphabet using this same technique. Make learning fun the inexpensive and creative way!

"Now get out there and make some beautiful and from the heart"

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Contest Details! For a chance to win a $25 gift card

 to The Dollar Tree AND a guest blogger spot on 

the blog for an upcoming month!

I know you all have tried a pin from Pinterest and we 

want to know what you think and of course give you 

something fabulous!

All you have to do is...

1. Post a picture to our Facebook page of a pin that you tried from by Wednesday, Jan. 27th 8:00 PM 

(must be a  picture you took and does not have to be perfect)

2. Share the link/website so we can find the how to on your pin

3. Share under the picture whether your review is a "Definitely Do" or "Definitely Don't"

4. Make sure to tell your friends to visit our Facebook page to vote for your post

The picture/review with the most votes by Friday, February 3rd at 12 (noon) WINS! 

Any questions just email

Biters Bliss

My nails are always the first to go when it comes to feeling stressed or anxious and sometimes just because I'm bored. Yes, I'm a biter. Usually I go to the salon and pay $30 + to get those beautiful french tips but recently I found a very inexpensive and efficient way to get the same look.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Leftovers... Not Just Food

If you follow the blog then you recently saw that I reupholstered my kitchen table chairs, which turned out
When they were complete I had some left over fabric that sat on my kitchen table for quiet a few days after and obviously for this great idea. I took the remaining fabric and stapled it behind one of the shadow boxes in the same room. And Ta-Da!

This is totally a "Definitely Do" that takes very little time and effort. The most difficult part was trying to get it back on the wall, that's when I called in the big guns... my husband.

"Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart"

Michaels Gift Certificate

If you LoVe Michaels just like we do be sure to "like" us on Facebook for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Definitely Do" Top Three DIY Picks: Easy Peasy Ideas to Simplify Your Life

1. Cereal Container for Car Trash

When I saw this on Pinterest I was immediately in love. My car, with the help of two little ones, is always a mess. From lollipop wrappers, to miscellaneous toys, and even french toast sticks left over from a few days earlier, it is inevitably difficult to keep up with all the trash. I usually just try to throw it all in an empty fast food bag or plastic grocery bag. High class, right?

For around $7 you can find a cereal container at Wal Mart, Target and pretty much any home store. If you don't feel like making the trip out to get one check out The Container Store online.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

"Definitely Don't" Top Three Don't Even Think About Its

We go to  for inspirational ideas for our weddings, birthday parties for our kids, and DIY's to make life easier, not for some of the items that we are about to view.

1., Your Personal Online Boutique --- NOT

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wreath O' Yarn -- Guest Blogger Review

Each month we will have a guest blogger join us to write about a "Definitely Do" or "Definitely Don't" that they have made and reviewed from and another DIY Blogs. This month a good friend of mine, Rachel, is going to share with us her review on a pin she found on Pinterest.

So two things you should know about me 1. I have always LOVED making crafts, 2. I kind of stink at them. So if I can do it, ANYONE can do it!!!!! I saw this wreath and it looked doable…and it TOTALLY WAS and it looks fabulous! I haven’t quite finished with the garnish so for now it’s just got a pretty bow! The biggest mistake I made was my color choice. I wasn’t really sure how this was going to look, so I just picked a yarn that was on sale. I have a dark blue door and I bought dark purple yarn…so it’s a little difficult to see. Otherwise I love it and I’m very happy with the way it turned out! Plus it was super cheap!! The wreath itself was about $2.99 and I think the yarn was $1.00. This is a "DEFINITELY DO"!!!!


Take Heart has the step by step instruction for you to  make your own fabulous yarn wreath too.

"Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart"

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reupholstered Chairs

Be sure to like us on Facebook for more DIY reviews, you are our DIY Rockstars(what we call our followers), not just fans! We love your support for our Blog!

A little over 4 years ago,when we first moved into our home, we had the most beautiful white chairs for our high set kitchen table. Over time (a.k.a. after children) they turned into finger painted master pieces, which you will soon see during the reupholstering process. My mama recently came for a visit and we decided to do something about the truly characteristic yet slightly embarrassing chairs.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mac N Cheese Bites, Bite

On Friday, while watching The Chew my mom and I saw these delightful looking mac n cheese bites -- a fun spin on your regular favorite cheesy dish. We printed the recipe and immediately knew we would give them a try later that day.

You'll be able to find the recipe on the link above for The Chew but here are a few of the steps and tips we have from making these.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Definitely Do" Top Three DIY Picks: Engagement Announcements

The most exciting part... announcing to the world you are tying the knot. Most choose the traditional photography session with an engagement caption. This is always an elegant and beautiful way to spread the word but I'm about to share some of the top creative and one of a kind ways, spicing up the photography session, to show the ones you love how much in love you are.

#1 Tie the Knot has a fun way to share the love. An announcement with a string on the inside of it, that when opened ties an actual knot. Love!

My Tip: I love the string idea but to make it more fun I would use a color that is matching to your wedding theme

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Don't Even Think About It

While looking for more fab things to pin I found a few (well maybe more than a few) "Definitely Don'ts" that other pinners have unfortunately added on to the famous pin board.

This pin was added to the DIY & Crafts section under this person's "things to make" board. This needs to be on What Not to Wear and hopefully we can get this person on the show before they have a chance to create this awful outfit.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Tie-Dye Milk

This was a blast and the kids really enjoyed it too. E is for Explore! gives us so many fun craft and experiment ideas for kids of all ages to enjoy. When I saw the tie-dye milk I thought it would be a fun craft for a hippy like me. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mastering the Art of a Hard Boiled Egg

Go ahead, get it out, and laugh. I know, your thinking... "Really, a tutorial on cooking a hard boiled egg?" I love to cook and create fun new recipes, however my cooking nemesis -- a stubborn egg. I am absolutely horrible at boiling eggs. They either turn out cracked while they are boiling and the egg white is running out the shell, still runny in the center or dryer than the desert, there is never a happy medium...until now.

Here are a few steps to make boiling eggs a little easier:

1. Boil (starting with cold water) desired amount of eggs in a saucepan with about 1 to 2 inches of water covering them
2. Add a pinch of salt to help prevent cracking and to make them easier to peel
3. Boil on medium-high for 15 minutes (when finished test one egg before removing them all)
4. Remove from heat and immediately drain hot water and fill sauce pan with cold water while eggs are still in the pan
5. Crack egg on side of pan and gently peel back the part that has cracked (you want to make sure you are able to peel off the thin white membrane that is directly under the shell)
6. Peel your egg under the running water. Once you have peeled back part of the membrane slide your thumb around the egg lifting up the rest of the membrane which will also lift the shell.

If your looking to turn your eggs into artwork try Anna The Red for a heart shaped hard boiled egg.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

French Onion Soup Crock Pot Style

It's winter and on a brisk day all I can think about is snuggling on the couch and eating some pipping hot soup -- french onion soup that is. "Ogres are like onions" ,quoted from Shrek, is really all I could think about as I was starting the soup this morning made with tons of onion love.

Smashed Peas and Carrots has an amazing crock pot recipe for this classic and elegant soup. Knowing me and how I make my recipes I pretty much eyeballed it with the ingredients. My entire home smells intoxicating with aromas of sweet onion, beef broth and just pain heaven. I'm enjoying a cup of the delicious soup as I'm writing. It definitely speaks to my soul and makes my tummy happy.

On that note --- time for another bite.

This is a "Definitely Do" for you crock pot and french onion soup lovers. You don't have to slave over the stove, just throw the ingredients in your crock pot and let that baby do the cooking.

My Tip: As a wino and self- proclaimed connoisseur I added a touch (and in my vocabulary that means about 1/2 a cup) of red wine to my soup during the cooking process -- I also drank a "touch" of wine while making it too. Finally, when cooking the bread for on top go crazy with the swiss, it's not perfect unless every bite is stringy and hanging from your face.

"Now get out there and make something beautiful and from the heart"

Winter Sunrise

"Definitely Do" -- taking a snap shot of each morning for creativity and inspiration.

Be silent and notice the world around you

Bring each new day to life and create something beautiful

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sexy Grilled Cheese

Everyone loves grilled cheese but it's not just about the buttered bread and slice of cheese anymore. Oh no. It's about bringing sexy back and changing the look of the classic grilled cheese sandwich. 


I found the grilled cheese rolls on Care's Kitchen and fell in love with the idea especially because they are crust-less and those of you with kids will appreciate that because especially with my kids, they do not like the crust. Making them was super easy and I mean super easy. After they were finished I cut them in half and served them with a cup of tomato soup for the kids to munch on. And I helped. A little.

These are a "Definitely Do" taking only 10 minutes to make and putting a huge smile on the kid's faces, they will not disappoint.

And if your looking for even more ways to spice up the grilled cheese in your life here are some more ideas:

- Avacado, bacon, and swiss on rye
- Tomato and bacon with american on toasted wheat
- Pickles, swiss and american on ciabatta

How do you make your grilled cheese?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Reception Kids' Table

The vows are said, your newlyweds now, and as you head into the reception to be seated, there they are --  tons of children running around aimlessly. Yes, you love them but when it comes to inviting the kids there is always a question as to whether you should or not.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"Definitely Do" Top Three DIY Picks: Candle Center Pieces

When we are little most of us gals dream of the picture perfect princess wedding but I doubt we ever think about the cost or stress that goes into planning and creating the most beautiful day of our lives. These next Top Three were picked to give you inspiration into the new trend of the DIY wedding and hope you fall in love with them just as we did.

1. Picture Perfect Mason Jars

How beautiful, elegant, classy and economical. These floating candle mason jars we found on tinywhitedaisies are perfect for any wedding, big or small. Just add marbles or stones to the bottom, fill with water, add the floating candle and a little ribbon, twine, or yarn and your DIY wedding will be picture perfect. I can see these along the isle as the bride walks down to her groom, in the sand surrounding the sunset beach wedding, and in the center of all your tables during your reception. With this idea each bride can turn it into their own to match their theme. And you can make these all while staying way under budget.

My Tip: Add a drop of essential oils to the water before lighting your candles. This will light up your room and also give off a romantic aroma. Try Jasmine, Vanilla, Sandalwood and Rose just to name a few.